It's good to see new games coming out that are based on different cultures. Putting aside all the controversies, this one has a ton of technical issues that need to be addressed. The reviews coming in from both professional critics and regular players indicate that the graphics are dated and the gameplay is linear.

From the videos that I have watched, the main character does seem massively overpowered. She is probably all of 90lbs but she throws people around and takes bullets without flinching. She can mow through five men faster than Conan the Barbarian---even without magic or special abilities. The enemies are all dumb as rocks and pose no challenges.

The non-enemy NPC characters are just rooted in place, almost like trees. Unlike older games like the Witcher 3 and Skyrim, most of the humans in the virtual world lack any form of dynamic behavior. As a result the player is relegated to walking through a landscape of static figures, waiting to encounter ineffective enemies who don't pose much of a threat. Even packs of enemies are not hard to deal with.

The devs will have to redo many of the fundamentals. Good luck to them.

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Well said, James

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